Kharma Midi vs. Sonus Faber Stradivari Amati

In the next few days I have to decide between Sonus Faber Stradivari (or Amati Anniversario) and Kharma Midi Exquisite. I have heard Sonus in my room and know exactly what they can do there. I loved musicality of SF, yet I have read rave reviews on Kharma. If anyone has listened to both of them and would like to graciously contribute some thoughts, it would help me a great deal.
I'm mainly curious if I would lose that musical aspect of presentation that is easily available with SF.
congratulations ertugrul, what are your electronics?
Stadivari is a top speaker and in a few days we'll see it's little brother Sonus Faber Elipsa.
Aside from shows, I have heard Kharma speakers in two home systems. In both instances I did not like the sound at all -- a strange combination of dry, antiseptic sound and dynamic lifelessness (i.e., poor microdynamics at lower listening levels). But, because I did not have anything to do with the setup, I cannot say it was the speakers.

I know someone who traded a Kharma (cannot recall which model) for the Anniversario and is very happy with the trade. Another friend has a pair which I have listened to quite extensively. It is a very musical sounding speaker. Another friend has the Stadivari, and it too, is very nice sounding. Given that the Kharma speakers I heard and the SF speakers sound so fundamentally different, I think you have to hear the Kharmas before making a purchasing decision.
Larryi sez
(Having) heard Kharma speakers in two home systems (the result was) a strange combination of dry, antiseptic sound and dynamic lifelessness
Actually, my experience in a nutshell with all but the "Grand" with the diamond THiel & partner whistle on it. This one excelled: music for spectrum analysers.

I'm sure there's more to these spkrs than this. But the sound was uncannily like what Larryi notes above.
When it comes to Kharma's,the partnering amp is ALL important.The Lamm's,by far,are the best I have heard on them(I do not own Kharma).This combo really IS superb,but you really have to be careful.I'm not wild about the Kharma amps,but that is only my opinion,which means "nada"!Don't rush to judgement,too soon.They can be superb,like so many other fine designs.
Hi Kops thanks.My electronics are tenor hp300 monos,firstsound pre,kondo ksl dac,cec tlox transport.What are yours?Is the new sonus faber elipsa the same design as stradivari in a smaler way?