Is There A Moveable Base To Easily Voice Speakers?

With larger speakers, especially with spikes, it is very difficult to effectively and easily move and dial-in a new set of speakers. Particularly if it's just one person. Get up. Sit down. Get up. Sit down.

Is there a device, or a special moveable base, or any method to easily dial-in and voice a new set of speakers? A dolly, a carousel, 2 pieces of plywood, etc? Thanks.
Yes, I forgot to mention....
The floor surface is a low cut carpeting (sort of like a berber).
On carpet, one way I've found works really well: set the speaker (without the spikes of course) on a heavy piece of fabric (like a canvas drop cloth) which extends all around the base of the speaker abour 4 feet or so. It's then quite easy to pull cloth (and the speaker) across the rug in any direction.

On hard floors, you can place a (3' x 3' or so) piece of carpet sample upside down under the speaker and slide it around easily.
One of my audiophile fantasies is to have my speakers move by remote control. Imagine being able to adjust, in tiny increments, forward and backward, side to side, and toe-in. With precise coordinates captured at all times.
On carpet, put the speaker on a piece of MDF cut to fit inside a baking pan. Works for even the heaviest speakers.