tyler linbrook signatures vs. b&w 802

I have narrowed it down to these Two speakers. I have heard the B&Ws but not the Tyler on piece system .Which would be the best choice ..Thanks everyone...Joe
The Tylers are very good speakers , that compare to other great sounding speakers out there, quite well.. Don't listen to one person's advise, hear them for yourself, if you can.. Im sure Tyler, would also offer a return policy, if not satified, but i think you will be very satified with them..
Good Luck,
Speaking as an owner of the Linbrook System (although mine is the 2 piece version), and having listened extensively to the B&W 802s (both N and D versions) on several ocasions in different rooms powered by high-end McIntosh electronics on both, I think I can say without a doubt that the Tylers are far better to my ears. In every area I felt the Tylers bested both versions of the 802s... Highs were more natural sounding, midrange was far superior, soundstage height and width were superior, and the Linbrooks got much lower, with tighter and faster bass.

All of this said, the 802 were still good speakers to be sure, but to my ears at least, I found absolutely no reason to want them over what I had (telling the salesman so after one of the auditions to utter shock), and I found the multiple auditions only strengthened my belief that I made the right choice.

For reference, the speaker that I felt came closest to the Linbrook Signature System in my auditions was the *superb* Von Schweikert DB99 mkIIs (then at 10K, now selling for 12K). Now *that* would be a competition. :-)

As for Krellm7's comments, I really have no idea where he is coming from on this one. The negative statement about Tyler sounds like it is coming from someone who has never heard the brand. Comparing the $5500 Linbrook System with top-of-the-line SEAS Excel drivers to Bose (any of their models) is rather outlandish IMO, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Hey Joe, I would highly recommend Tyler Acoustics. I have been happy with what I have owned. We need a moderator on AG!
I know one thing you can't buy B&W drivers off the internet
like you can with the Tyler's & many others. B&W drivers are exclusive to B&W the reason for that is THEY BUILD EVERY THING IN HOUSE! They also have there own cabinet manufactureing plant!! They also spend millions of dollars every year in research & development. I bet Tyler does not have a doppler inferometer to mesure cabnet resonance in there speakers. There are always going to be people who think a tiny little company can maker a better product
than a large established company.

Do not forget I also own Martin Logan CLS, Magnepan MG IIIA,
Spica TC60's,B&W 705's,MArtix 800's.....