Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
Ozzy62: You should hear them, then make judgements. There are varying price points in everything in life.

One can spend anywhere from $1K to $30K for a 2 carat diamond, the price relecting the quality. Some are fortunate enough to afford the higher quality diamond, should they have the desire.

This says nothing about those who can or can not afford the best. It simply states the price for quality.

Additional analogies can be provided in other luxury items, should you require. Boats? Automobiles? Real Estate?

Alon's mini monitors are exceptional.

Amenra: Okay, you are up to 3 posts ... all about speakers. LOL.

Best wishes,

Jack Seaton

They may be exceptional, but they still cost 20 large. So you are telling me that you would spend that when you may be able to get the same performance for 10K, or 15K. What about even better sound for that much or even less? I am not going to slam ANY speaker's sonic merits w/o hearing them. But I will say that even if I could afford twenty thousand dollar speakers I would have a hard time paying that for a small monitor on a stand that probably cost less than five thousand dollars to produce, probably a lot less. And to add insult to injury, I would more than likely have to add an expensive subwoofer to the final price tag.

Ok, you are right. I should hear them. But I still contend that no matter how good they sound, someone will make a full range speaker that will compete at the same price, or less. I have raised valid concerns, but it's up to the buyer to make his decision and spend his $$$$.


I'm not a speaker manufacturer like you, so I do not know the price of manufacture. I imagine that, as with anything, as numbers produced increase, the price per unit goes down. This is well known to most with ultra high end, (Read: low numbers produced) products.

"I am not going to slam ANY speaker's sonic merits w/o hearing them."

No, but you'll question their value without, right?

(This reminds me of a statement that an ol' College Chemistry Professor used to share with us, "You can't beat first hand information".)

Being that we are all different, we are likely to have different veiws of the term "value" and will have different criteria in which we base the term. Experience, exposure, acuity and wealth likely have some input as well.

"Ok, you are right. I should hear them. But I still contend that no matter how good they sound, someone will make a full range speaker that will compete at the same price, or less."

That, of course, may be true ... although I'm not so sure after hearing the Magico Monitors. Which $20K full range would you compare them to? (Oops, I forgot, you have not heard the Magico monitors). Do you plan on attending CES?

"... but it's up to the buyer to make his decision and spend his $$$$."

How very true. What seems apparent is that terms such as value and quality are different for each of us and that it usually helps to have first hand experience.

Best wishes,

Jack Seaton
Can someone post what their listening exp has been in a bit more detail other than they are exceptional? How do they compare to others, perhaps more well known speakers? How about comparing to say Kharma 3.2? Or any others? Can someone give us a sense what they are like in character?