Do you enjoy the sound at your local Theater Plex?

Can you tell what kind of audio system is used? Is it "audiophile" sound quality?
Way too loud. I frequently ask the manager to turn down the volume at local theaters. Sometimes they actually do it, and I make it a point to thank them later. Once, I was told that, for IMAX productions, there is no local control over sound, including volume...they can't turn it down. He was probably lying, but he did suggest avoiding IMAX if I was "sensitive" to loud sounds. I also don't go in the theater during the previews, which are much louder than the feature.
I agree, way too loud and sounds like crap. That was 11 years ago and I have not had any inclination to return.

The sad part is the masses enjoy this brutal sound so the theaters give them want they want.

Live sports events are no better. One is constantly assaulted by the PA system.
yo'all watchin' very loud movies with guns and bombs and toobadoombadam pif-paf vroomvroom xbox ps3 typ'o stuff. there are different movies that sound better and more quiet, but they're not made in hollywood and perhaps not of interest of an average viewer barely possessing high-school diploma.
We saw Interstellar at an iMax theater last week. Wow -- possibly the greatest cinema experience I've ever had. Not necessarily a great movie, but damn, what a trip on the super big screen. Didn't seem too loud either.