Best isolation cones

Wanting to purchase some new isolation cones for my amp and Oppo 105. See Nordost isolation cones however wondered if they are really worth the extra money or are there any alternatives? One of the things I don't like about Nordost cost is how high they make your unit sit. Also I have seen other isolation components like Vibrapods or Pangea audio Mega feet at a fraction of the price.

Advice please

4 Nordosts will take 200 lbs easy, probably a lot more.
I ordered the BC's for my pre, hope I did right.
I prefer Herbie's Tenderfeet. His stuff is proprietary (you can't go to a store and buy a cheaper alternative) and varies from product to product depending on application. They isolate, absorb and can deflect small caliber bullets.

All the best,
Try Symposium Roller Block JR HDSE its much better more neutral sounding with much better isolation.
Nonoise, I have lots of Herbies, Nordosts are better.
Herbies are good though, best for the buck out there .