Best isolation cones

Wanting to purchase some new isolation cones for my amp and Oppo 105. See Nordost isolation cones however wondered if they are really worth the extra money or are there any alternatives? One of the things I don't like about Nordost cost is how high they make your unit sit. Also I have seen other isolation components like Vibrapods or Pangea audio Mega feet at a fraction of the price.

Advice please

Try Symposium Roller Block JR HDSE its much better more neutral sounding with much better isolation.
Nonoise, I have lots of Herbies, Nordosts are better.
Herbies are good though, best for the buck out there .
Schubert, you might be onto something. In the past I've always used Herbies with great results. The components used were of moderate weight and benefited from the Tenderfeet. Being so heavy, I just plunked my Marantz reference amp and SACD player on my maple rack as is and was satisfied for the last years or so. For an experiment today I put some large Tenderfeet under the SACD player and the highs got a bit muted and the overall sound became veiled: the exact opposite of what I've experienced in the past (insert head scratching here).

Someday I may check out the Nordost BC cones but I'm getting such great sound with the heavier stuff just sitting on the maple stand. That, and I don't want to mar the surface of Chris's work (Timbernation).

All the best,
Scratch that (no pun intended) as I just saw an image of the BC cones and see how they wouldn't mar any surface.