Help me shorten my list...

This is my list for front speakers, I will get a center a matching rears eventually but my main concern is 2 channel music listening. Currently they will be powered by Sherwood Newcastle A 965/P965 pre/pro (will upgrade within a year) My listening room has 10 foot cielings, is 17 feet long and 13 feet wide. I have a budget around $ 3000 USD used or new for the fronts. I am not concerned with bass below 50 hz. My main preference would be the most detailed, airy, liquid, transient speaker, my musical taste ranges from jazz to rock to electronic way overly processed music.

So far my list includes but feel free to ad or remove certain items. Thanks in advance!

Aerial acoustics 6
BW 703
Canton Vento 807
Dynaudio audience 82
Energy Veritas 2.3i
JM Labs Cobalt 816S
Legacy audio classic
Martin Logan Clarity
Meadowlark Osprey
Monitor Audio Gr20
Monitor Audio silver res6
Morel Prelude
PBN Montana sp3
Revel Performa F32
Silverline audio models???
Soliloquy 6.2is
Joseph Audio RM22SI
Thiel 1.6 or 2.4
Triangle audio models??
Usher X929 or CP series
Kef XQ5
Reference 3A Veena
Tyler Acoustics, Link brook floorstanding reference monitor
If you listen to rock music, I would try to stay away from speakers with metal tweeters. I have owned two pair of JM Labs (Electra 907 & 926) and think that my Soliloquy (6.2i) speakers sound better with rock. JM Labs uses metal tweeters. Soliloquy uses a soft dome tweeter as do some of the others on your list .
The inherent bad recording quality of most rock music is not too friendly to metal tweeters . This may help to shorten your list. YMMV
the Green Mountain Audio Callistos. Do some research; speak to those who own them; speak to Roy Johnson, the designer.
Totem Mani monitors at about 3000 (used) need to be considered, although they are reportedly finicky about their electronics.

Totem Tabus are GREAT, and do a lot of things very well. They've been discontinued, I think, but still can be found occasionally here on A'gon. They were around 3000 dollars new, so tend to run around 2000, sometimes less, used.

Odyssey Loreleis go deeper than you "need", but still deserve strong consideration given their price (2700 new, and basically a licensed version of a practically identical Symphonic Line speaker that sells for 7000 dollars in Germany). There's a good sixmoons review that can be linked to from the Odyssey Audio website.

If you bought the JM labs Micro Utopia Be loudspeakers, they'd have to be used to be within your budget. Priced new, at around 5000+ dollars, they then can be compared to the Intuitive Design Summits (which are about 3500 for the speakers, and 1400 or 1500 for the stands); the Summits are simply the best speaker I've personally ever heard, and I have the privelege of owning a pair. It was the audiophile purchase of my lifetime, and I have reviewed them here on A'gon.
I've not auditioned many of the speakers on your list, but when I went to replace my Maggie 1.6's I set out to audition the B&W N803's as the Nautilus line has always been some of my favorites. Ran accross the Veritas 2.3i's at the dealer, compared the two side by side and went home with the Energy's that night. Didn't take me long to make my decision either, they were that good. I've been through many speakers, Maggies, Vandy's, PSB Gold i's, etc., etc., you know how it goes. I strongly recommend you don't buy until you give these guys a listen. I think you will be very surprised, and they can be had for about $1800 street price.