Has anyone tried the Coincident Dynamo 34SE

8 Watts of Single Ended EL34 from Israel Blume? Beautiful appearance, few reviews. What's your impression?
I just got mine today, and I'm having a hell of a time with hum from the amp and through the speakers. Tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to help. Headphone listening isn't possible due to the severity of the problem. It sounds like a great amp when it's turned up, but at lower levels the hum is really distracting. Have any of you come across this type of problem?

Thanks, Scott
Send Israel Blume an email or call him, he'll help you out. This is a uncommon complaint for this amplifier.
Smrex, I had some ground loop problems initially when I fed my coincident csl to the dynamo. I think Mikirob also had some issues at first. One of the reviewers had hum due to DC offset. That could also be an issue. Let us know what Israel says.
Israel suggested that it's a ground loop problem, but I'm getting the hum even when there's nothing plugged into the circuit. Keep you postedÂ….