Archiving DATs to computer or server HD

I have a large collection of music "favorites" on DAT. I would like to archive this music on to a computer or music server. As far as computer is concerned, no one seems to know what I need to buy and how to proceed. I know that I will need some downloaded music player ( Audacity ) and some kind of interface -- but what ? I am willing to buy a new computer for this purpose. For music server, everything that I see that has digital inputs ( RCA or Toslink ) costs over $5000. I've seen ads for the Cocktail Audio X40 that would seem to fit-the-bill, but that company has no "track record" and I can find no reviews. Need advice ---- JTV
Are folks completely unable to use Google anymore? Here is what I'd do, go to the website I provide below and learn what you can. I'm pretty sure you need to xfer the DAT files into a format that is usable by today's players - maybe FLAC is your best choice for this.

Then get a PC with a couple of big external drives - one for the files and the other as a mirror - and begin the process of loading the converted DAT files onto the drives.

When that is done, use a PC-based player to playback your files. Not too difficult but it will be a bit time consuming. And I don't think you need to spend $5k, you could do all this for around $3-4k...

PS: Foobar2000 is a (free!) player that will do what you need to do for playback...

Digital out from your dat player to any digital recorder that will create and store as a file......transfer file to your hard drive. Tascam....Sony.....fostex ...and m audio make many different ones ranging from a buck fifty to five hundred.

Or buy a digital interface and software for your computer. Look at a markertek or b and h catalog. Cost around a buck fifty to 700 depending on the software you buy.

Simple as pie.