How Pathetic is Welborne Labs?

You would never believe this story. Welborne Labs sent me someone elses power supply in error. I advise welborne, they send me a return label. I ship back the power supply. I get a phone call from the person who received MY power supply from Welborne. Welborne sent them my personal info in the form of a shipping label for us to swap power supplies! Its a swap meet! AMAZING! so, I send them mine, they never send me theirs cause this 'guy' calls them and says he will send me his (cant make this up). Well, he is snowed in so he has not been able to get to a post office (and this is my problem because welborne labs is PATHETIC). Great promo for Channel Island Audio. Get your power supplies from them.
At least you got your item many reports on the net of Wellbourne not even g=doing that.

I agree totally with Cerrot; pretty lame and irresponsible. All transactions should go THROUGH THE MANUFACTURER (or dealer). That way any responsibility for problems with shipping, damage or.... falls squarely on them. Very unprofessional.
Perhaps dealer or manufacturer should ask permission of both parties FIRST before rearranging labels. I would start conversation with 'Would You Mind...?'. Never got problems with exact same issue a couple of times as seller. At no argument to me or to each other from clients, both receiving parties agreed to affix labels and send packages to each other and were happy thereafter.

There are some ultra-tight privacy doodz among clients that are paranoid even to uncover the address to the one in the different side of nation especially having the inevitable fact they've already revealed own adress soo many times to various online sellers they've lost count how manymany times it's been dondondone. You can also request to send to the FedEx or USPS office hold for pickup. Don't see issues... Sorry if I'm blind.

IMHO nuttin rong dere folks just another reason to panic or to get angry. That snowy winter delayed my packages to the clients by at least a week and yet some of them panic or asking for refund. OP should also apreciate the fact of swapping instead of shipping back and re-receiving, because it would've taken much longer than swapping between A and B.