Wilson Puppy 6 vs Wilson Puppy 7

Now I want to upgrade my speakers. I have now limited my choise between the following options:

1. Wilson Puppy 7
2. Wilson Maxx
3. JM Lab Utopia

I think the Wilson Puppy 7 might suit my needs the best. However how much will it improve the sound to the 6. I listened it in a few ocasions and I feel that the 6 is better in the bass than the 7. The bass of the 6 is more fat and seems to have more slam. To my opinion this is better.

The 7 however seems to have a slightly better mid Area.
Can someboy give more explanation about the difference between the Puppy 6 and Puppy 7.

For the JM Lab it is a totally different speaker. It is warmer sounding with a more natural bass. But in a small room it might overpower the room. Also they look ugly (so is the Maxx by the way).

How about the difference between Wilson Puppy and JM Lab Utopia. Which one is the better speaker.

I am not currently a fan of either as I have listened to both on several occasions but the 7's are much better IMO than the 6's. Primarily in dynamics and better defined bass and high end extension.

You've apprently listened to both of them. Why don't you tell US which is the better speaker? I don't understand what the point of asking "which speaker is better?" among two speakers you've auditioned. All you will get is other peoples opinions, which are completely arbitrary and irrelevent to your own.

Which one do you like better? Is it a toss up? If so - then pick on price, availablility, support, etc.
Choose the speaker for your room. The 7s sound like what you need or just enjoy your 6s & add a subwoofer. I have the 7s & a sub z& find the benefits but is not a must. I want the Maxx IIs & in my room it would work great but you need the room. I have heard them in a small room & was not impressed.
Well I went to listen to the JM Lab Utopia. I can not beleive the raving about this speaker. The man used exactly the same electronics as me so that factor was excluded. The JM Lab even had less bass tha my Puppy 6. Also the mids were coloured and slow. What a disappointment compared to the newer series which I like very much. Given the size of the speaker I can not understand how such a big speaker can have almost no bass response. The man luckily used a Velodyne DD18 as a sub to compensate the bass and then the sound was OK, but at what price. The JM lab definately is off the list.

Then I listened to the Maxx. Now we are talking. Fast, detailed, powerful music with an authority that only few speakers have. This is for me the way to go. I did not hear better speakers yet. I also listened to Maxx 2 and found the Maxx 2 to be very good to, even better timing.

The Puppy 7 is now also off the list. To much money more and it does not sound better tha the 6 to my opinion.

The only way to go is the Maxx or Maxx 2. Since the Maxx 2 is newer I probably get Maxx 2.
