It seems thay many of us (including myself) have been a little too caught up in personal attacks/defenses of Wilson speakers. What we really need is an honest first hand assesment of WP 7,Max2,X2 vs high end alternative selling for less-much less. So here is my challenge : I will haul my Wilson Benesch Chimeras ( 20k plain,24k as finished in burled walnut) a reasonable distance from my home near Atlanta to hook up to YOUR system in YOUR room to compare to YOUR wp7,max,x2's. Only caveat is my speakers are less efficient (88 db) so have lots of power for fair comparison. Comparison is for: accuracy , musicality, enjoyment,value and anything else YOU want. Just be willing to be HONEST in your assesment. You have MY word that I will admit it on this forum if I am wrong and will bow down to Wilson if they earn my respect in direct comparison to my beloved WB's. I believe that even in a system optimized for Wilsons you will the beauty of a high end less costly alternative. - Jim
Ag insider logo xs@2xaldavis
Considering the season you had, shouldn't you be spending your time going over draft picks instead of lugging speakers around? :>)

Am I the only one who thinks your phrasing smacks of arrogance?

And besides what audiophile in his right mind would spend the kind on money you did on the Wilson Benesch speakers when they could get a better sounding pair of Paradigm speakers for about 10% of the cost???

Funny how people can justify their own purchases, but anyone who spent more is an idiot!!!
Not sure about the 10%That old graphite magic in WB's is amazing if not only in speakers byut \ut a hell a good arm on a great looking table,To bad my budget will only aloow for WB moniotrs whiuc\ich I will pronb\baly never get but like some speakers say the Totem Mnai-2 the bass these little boxes throw is amazing.I can't be sure but my guss is you've never had the pleasure with WB,\.If ther is a big shakeout of stereo companies soone and now they seem toi be as numerous as Tribbles (no I am not a Trekkie) I hope they are one of the suvivors.
Al, bored to death this winter? Nothing going on in your life? Speaker competitions? Must be the up coming olympics, heh? I believe you. You ear tell ya that you have a great pair there? Why pick on just Wilson? If you're going to do it, why not make it an open competition? Or better yet: relax, listen to your tunes with a brewski, smile how lucky you are that you didn't waste all your money on a pair of Wilsons. Be happy with that...

You have great speakers. No question they are comparable in some ways. As a Wilson owner I have immense respect for your speakers. I just liked the Wilson's better for my priorities.