Vintage Receiver: TANDBERG, MARANTZ, or…?

Hi guys,

My primary system is in storage in NY, and I am building a small system in Lisbon, Portugal, where I am currently basing.

I have started with the purchase of a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers, and would like to use a '70s vintage receiver as the heart of the system.

Frankly, I am shooting blind, so to speak, as I haven't listened to any of the units that I am considering (having used separates for decades). However, having done a fair bit of research on-line, I am gravitating towards the Tandberg 1040P. The Marantz 2230 also looks like an interesting possibility, as I am seeking something high-quality, warm, and with an excellent tuner.

So…if any members have strong opinions about good '70s receivers, especially if you have listened to them with the VS monitors, please do contribute, and you don't have to limit yourselves to those models.

I should add that in NY I used Virtual Dynamics David speaker cables, and loved them. But that was with a different (and better) system, and I will now look for something less expensive. Any opinions on cables and the type of receiver I am considering would also be appreciated.

Thanks much in advance!


Tony C.
Yes, Nikko had a lot of very listenable gear back in teh 70's.

My choice of receiver that I owned for many years back then was a Hitachi sr804 Class G receiver. IT was a very well made piece. The Class G design enabled more power in a smaller package but the sound quality fared poorly against the absolute top notch Tandberg tr2080 that I acquired concurrently a couple years later. Nikko sound was very neutral as I recall and always sounded good versus the other Japanese competition but the pricier Norwegian made tandberg was a cut above them all.

1) Sansui AU-999 fully restored, recapped and upgraded;

2) Revox B-251 recapped and upgraded with MC board;

If you wish to contact me:

You nailed it Schubert about the Sansui.

But you know what, the Revox is surprising good. I´m keeping one B-285 for myself.

What?? 18 replies and counting with no dealers yet advising that vintage gear is horribly unreliable, invariably needs new caps and in any case dramatically under performs whatever they have for sale new?

Maybe Audiogon is getting back to its old self.

Vintage receivers are really beautiful and can sound surprisingly good.

I would agree the Tandberg and in particular McIntosh receivers are potentially more high end than the Japanese equivalents.

You might also check out Marantz and some from the Yamaha "Natural Sound" era.

Good luck.