Preamp with Tone Control Recommendations ....

I have a desire to get a preamp with tone controls. Can you recommend something? McIntosh C50/C2500/C2300 come to mind and the C50 is rising to the top. I think I'd like the tone controls on the preamp as opposed to adding an equalizer although I am not opposed to that option. Thanks in advance!
Triode Corporation TRX-1 Tube Pre-amp comes with tone controls.

The great thing is that these tone controls can be bypassed too; using the remote.
Get a D'Agostino Momentum preamp for only $32,000. Sure, it's a little pricey but hey, you get tone controls.
I got the Mcintosh c 2300 and its fantastic with my Threshold SA4e.It is the best pre with tone controls (maybe D agustino is better?). And you can steer the tone controls via the remote. Thats unice and very handy. It a shame that the bigger Mcintosh get rid of tone controls. Many manufactures claim that tone controls damage the sound. I have had numerous high end pres and the C2300 is better that any of them