Anyone seen audiophile lisence plates passin' by?

The list I've seen so far:
KIMBERFN (This one could be also for firearms Kimber America so not sure, but anyways it may trigger cops to check or stop that Kimber fan!)
In California, IDDOC could mean someone who caters to the illegal crowd, providing "ID".

BTW, it's "monsters from the ID"...
Re "IDDOC," Plato also had it right in his post above. To be sure it's clear, the holder of the license plate would be a doctor who deals with problems involving the id. In other words, a psychiatrist. The relevance of "Forbidden Planet" is that someone who remembers that scene knows what the id is :-)

I was not trying to leave anyone out, posts here don’t always appear in the order they were sent.

Al’s was the first I read and I was surprised anyone got it so quick. Other replies, Infectious Disease and Illegal ID are appropriate but I like to think the personal plate was inspired by Forbidden Planet.

I’m a huge fan of Forbidden Planet. It’s in good company with only a couple of other Sci Fi movies that qualify as best ever (on my list).

Loved the original 1956, “Invasion of The Body Snatchers” and original 1951 version of “The Day The Earth Stood Still.”
What a coincidence, my Japanese Best of Kraftwerk CD just shipped from Japan. Can't hardly wait.
04-02-15: Albertporter
I’m a huge fan of Forbidden Planet. It’s in good company with only a couple of other Sci Fi movies that qualify as best ever (on my list).
My sentiments exactly. Also competing for the top spot on my list is "2001: A Space Odyssey." Its slow pace would certainly be a turn-off for some, but it works for me!

Two very different examples of the sci-fi genre, but both great.

Best regards,
-- Al