Green Mountain Audio Europa Max Vs. Tyler Taylo Re

I am looking to upgrade my Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference monitor, and am considering GMA speakers. Specifically I am interested in either the Europa Max (Original Europa cabinet with Callisto drivers and crossover) or the Callisto. I was wondering if anyone has heard the tylers and GMAs or could offer some usefull insight. thanks
I agree, if I can fix this problem with some tweaking, I would prefer that to shelling out some more cash, as I am a broke grad student. I think the settings on the sub are OK, however the speakers are rather close to the wall (they are both in corners, about 1ft from the back wall and 1ft from the side wall. I will move them out a bit and see if it offers any improvements. I will also check out the Merlins that you mentioned.
If you try tweaking first. I had a similar problem in a small room that was greatly helped by pulling the speakers out from the back wall and keeping the distance from the back and sidewalls different. I went to George Cardas' website and followed his formula. This should help with the muffled and closed sound, but I am not sure how the current setup contributes to the non-smooth sound.
After looking at pictures of your room and the current position of your speakers I think part of your problem is your speaker placement. Get them out from the corners and face them so they fire towards the back of your room with no toe in, listen for a week or so then work on dialing in the toe. In regards to your room treatments I would cover the TV with a blanket and place a few panels behind the tv and also place a few panels on each side of the room at your first reflection points. Any speaker placed in your current position will most likely yeild the same results and working on this cost no $$$. Just my 2 cents!
I have moved the speakers out from the wall (slightly, as I don't really have much space in my apt), and there was a slight increase in the width of the soundstage. However, they still sound a little muddy and obscured. I think I am going to at least audition some other speakers in order to find out what the problem is.