Given Avalon Eidleon is considered one of the best

What about the rest of their line?Know that Fi Magazine a few years ago said it was (at the time) the state of the art (of course their were other speakers they could have picked like Wilson,100,000K Martin Logans, etc. and many speakers like highlky touted new $20K Ariel hadn't come out) for thos opf you knowlegeable about the line how consisitent is it?I know that with any company there are products at certain price points that stand out but wondering about smaller cheaper Avalons and how they stack up against say the B&W's Harbeths,Spendors.AudioPhysics,SilverLines,Josephs,Dali's,Sonus Faber's,Quads, etc etc and so many otherfine speakers availible today.Some company's seem to have more consistency then others in their entire product line while others have standouts.Just wondering about those who are informed and what they think of those speakers lesser in size and price than the Eidelons?Let's say Avalons $10K and less.
I have listened to Diamond, Opus, Ascendant and bought Studio Pro for obvious (!) budget reasons. Both Ascendant and Studio are tremendous achievers and the Studio Pro offers bass to only 34Hz but its quality is even better than on some higher Avalon models and eventually the best defined limited lower end I have heard without compromising musicality. The Studio Pro at $2500 are a real bargain if one likes - or tolerates- their look(I find them nice but I may be weird)....better limited bass than bad bass for me.
At $7500, the Ascendant may face some stiff competition but they are fully worth the price in a fit-finish-musicality combo. My dealer suggested that the Opus may be THE ultimate value winner (value for those who can afford $10-25k speakers...).
Finally, yes there are some giant killer $4,000 full range speakers out there (VR4 Jr, Gallo Ref3.1, Hyperion 938) but neither the VR nor the Ref approach IMHOOnly Avalon finish, look (would you like to have your Ref 3 or Hyperion in your living room? in 10yrs?), midrange, imaging and effortless musicality.
Obviously I am biased as I fell in love with the Avalon imaging and tonality. Yet, go audition some. With the right gear, you'll only need 1mn or 2 to love them hard or to just walk away.
This is an interesting thread. I had a similar experience in ownership to that of Tireguy; my Radian HCs "left me wanting more". For me, the more was MORE INVOLVEMENT.
Many blame the Spectral electronics that I used with the Avalons, but I read/heard much that these pieces were designed to be used together. After a couple of months listening, I sold them and am very glad I did.
Now having heard a friends' Eidolons with great OTL amplification, it makes me wonder what the Radians would have sounded like driven by some OTLs. FWIW, this man's opinion is that the Radians and most of the lower priced Avalons I've heard(Opus, Eclipse, EclipseII, Symbol) all share the "Hi-FI" pyrotechnics, but don't do the best job of drawing you into the music, and making you want to listen to more. When considering ownership of any of them, I'd highly recommend longer-than normal auditions, preferably in your own system. Also, tubes vs. ss amps will have a big impact on your results. Cheers,
I recently purchased the Ascendants, I have never owned
a more involving speaker, powering them with a pass x-350.
Compared them to B&W 803D, Maggie 3.6 other speakers
I've owned Proac,Dunlavy,thiel.
My audio friends have all been very impressed after a listening session.
Give them a listen if you can.
I have had Thiel 7.2, Eggleston Andra, Dynaudio C5, Temptation, B&W and some others. None of them gave me as much satisfaction as the Avalons. I am trying to get the scratch for some Avalon Eidolon Diamonds!!
I have auditioned Avalon Ascendant with Ayre amplifier, and the sound was very impressive especially in stage and tonal balance.
As you know, Ascendant costs much more than studio pro, but your posting seems to be that the sound of Studio pro is similar to Ascendant.

I don’t really care about the look and finish, but I care the real base( not boomy) and sound stage.

My local dealer does not carry studio pro, so I can not try them, so please share with me if you have any opinion.