Upgrading? Sophia/Dynaudio/Revel/Genesis 6.1 ?

I am looking to upgrade my existing speakers and could use some insight and recommendations. Let me give you the parameters and tell you what I have heard and what I have read. I am looking to spend less than $9k (ideally less than that) but have no issue with buying used gear that is in great condition. Also, my 16 X 20 room is not a dedicated listening room, has hardwood floors, a large area rug, and is acoustically active.

I have listened to the Wilson Sophia (~$8.5K used) and found them to be a solid performer. To my ears they have a mostly flat frequency response except for a slightly laid back upper midrange, and they lacked a wide 3D sound stage making them sound a little two-dimensional. I have heard the Dynaudio Confidence C2 (~$8.5k used) that have a wonderful holographic sound stage but lacked deep bass, have a large bump in the upper base frequencies making them sound boomy and a dip in the midrange making voices sound flat. I have heard the Revel Studio (~$6.5k used), but only in a small room, so I don’t have any strong opinions one way or another. I have read mostly good things about Revel including the Salon but I am concerned that the Ultima line may be aging a bit. I have listened to B & W and Martin Logan’s speakers but they are not my cup of tea. I liked the Thiel CS2.4 but I do not think that they are in the same league as the Sophia. They were very clean but too bright with some music and lacked deep bass. I am very curious as to what the new CS3.7 will sound like and what the pricing will be. I have read some glowing articles about the Genesis 6.1 (6.1or 6.1E). Has anyone heard them and do you have an opinion as to how they compare to what I am looking at? Genesis does not appear to have too many dealers, none in MA or NH that I am aware of, which makes it difficult and I heard they just increased the price from $9.3k to $11.8k! I am also curious as to how possibly the Canton Vento 809 DC or the Vienna Acoustics Mahler stacks up. If there are other speakers you would recommend, keep them mainstream since many, like the Genesis, are hard to find. I look forward to your comments. Thanks.
Try the new B&W diamond series 802D or 801D. Should be within your price limit. Also I would give Audio Physics a try (Avanti or Caldera).
I am looking in the saame price range and besides Sohpia are considering the Krell Resultion 2 if you have a 200 watt plus amp, and the Usher Dancer
Buy a pair of used Confidence C4's. I did, and find them to be just wonderful. There is one used pair on AudiogoN in rosewood for $9200 OBO, I believe.
I would encourage you to include the Wilson Benesch ACT (used) on your short list. I have owned many different speakers over the years and this is one of the best all rounders. You will not get the lowest octave but what is there is extremelly balanced, the speakers stage and disappear with the best of them. They are extremelly coherent and their tonality is excellent. They sound very good at low volume and can play loud. They are an easy load for most amplifiers (not typical low power set or OTL freindly).
Oh...they are also one of the nicest looking and easiest to integrate into a domestic environment.

They fall short of the best I have heard in transparency and dynamics but are still very good in these areas.

In short, given that virtually all speakers represent some forms of compromise the WB's are one of the best sets of compromises I have found.