b&w 803 or vr4jr, best match

looking for input for new speakers for a macintosh ma6900 integrated and an arcan cd192 combo. haven't had a chance to listen to either of these speakers. both are within budget. is there a big difference between the 803d and 803s? most of the mac dealers i know of around here tend to have the b&w. von schweikerts are a little more scarce.
IMO, I would go with B&W 803 hands down. There is no question in my mind. McIntosh works incredibly well with B&W - which is no easy feat.

The VR4jr's smooth character will not be best suited by McIntosh. Mcs need transparent, detailed speakers that will allow their full glory to shine through.

I have critically listened to both speakers, three times each in various systems, and base my reasoning on this exposure. Good luck. Arthur
The Vons and B&W's have fairly different designs. You really need to listen to both to see which you like. If I had to choose from the three you listed, would be the VR4JR, then the 803D and then the 803S but, I would not have the 803S on my list. I think there are much better speakers in the 803S price range than the 803S's. Good luck.
To my ears, the VSA speakers are better then B&Ws. I had a B&W dealer close to my office that paired B&W with MAC gear. I listened numerous times to many B&W models and never could get into the sound no matter what. The very first time I heard the VSA 4JRSs I knew I had a great match for my ears and music. You might also consider the 4SRs if you have room for them. Check with Kevin at VSA about dealers near you for potential auditions.
My VR4JRs are connected to Mac separates - C2200 & MC275 - and they sound wonderful. I heard the Macs demoed at a local dealer with the B&Ws and they sounded very good. But I like the VR4JRs much better - transparent and detailed, yet richer, more musical and more involving for me. Its a very sensually moving combination; but then, this is tube gear vs the SS MA6900. The MA6900 should be a very good match but only Your ears and personal preferences can help you decide.
"Mcs need transparent, detailed speakers that will allow their full glory to shine through." - aball

2 qualities the VR4jr's excel at.

They work good with tubes or solid state. Audition if you can - don't trust us, we have our own preferences and biases.