Most home speakers don't look too offensive nowadays, but yes, there are some beautiful speakers that come to mind that would really set off a room, and no doubt become instant conversation starters when one walks into a room, take Advantgarde, a pair of $40,000 B+W Nautilus, the MBL Radialstrauler as a few.
I can understand, somthing like a pair of old JBL Voice of the Theaters with a 23" sectional Horn bolted on top of a nasty painted Bass Cab won't have much of a WAF! (wife acceptance factor) no matter how killer hey sound. (great speakers though, if you have a listening room the size of a Gymnasium)
One speaker that I've always admired for their striking beauty, beautiful wood veneers, and reputed build, and sound quality are the Legacy brand. Downside, is I don't believe they have much of a dealer network to see, and here these in person, unless you live close to where they're made. mark
I can understand, somthing like a pair of old JBL Voice of the Theaters with a 23" sectional Horn bolted on top of a nasty painted Bass Cab won't have much of a WAF! (wife acceptance factor) no matter how killer hey sound. (great speakers though, if you have a listening room the size of a Gymnasium)
One speaker that I've always admired for their striking beauty, beautiful wood veneers, and reputed build, and sound quality are the Legacy brand. Downside, is I don't believe they have much of a dealer network to see, and here these in person, unless you live close to where they're made. mark