single driver with bass...????

since I am now happy and feel complete with my reference system with the avantgarde Uno.Currently I am toying around with single driver system to see what the fuss is all about.My first single driver is the Omega Grande 6 that stereophile and a few other reviewers was raving about.I was so disappointed with the bottom end when listening to this all the bass that single driver can put out?How can i improve the bottom end? the rest of my system are cd+dac with the supratek pre-amp and i ve tried it with welborne 300B mono,monarchy sm70 pro,dynakit and my wavac amplifier...please advice.thanks
getting real bass from a horn/set combo is like having an encounter with bigfoot. i hope you like whispy female singers and have a distain for rock and classical.
I can't attest to this personally, but, a respected Audiogoner (Sean) has suggested that the original Ohm's with authentic Walsh drivers might be the most sucessfull attempt to date. I suggest you check the archives for his posts on the subject.
Fertin 20EX will get you from 40K to 20K in a cabinet. Some get 32hz to 20Khz but here again it depends on the cabinet. In an open baffle you'll need a 15 inc to go to 20Khz. They'll go down to 100khz maybe 80khz in an open-baffle. But here again, it depends on the quality of the bass and the sound you'll get with different full range. The Fertin don't have a tweeter, it's a true full range, well at leat as close as you can get .
Simplify things and get a second, separately amplified unit for the bass. OR get ready to work on a transmission line/ back horn/etc AND even there, you'll have trouble getting the phase right. There are available plans for cabinets around the Jordans (good designs) -- as Audiokinesis suggests. In fact there are good kits available; try Hammer Dynamics for one.

Fertin & Supravox and Phy offer excellent (~8" units) but they are very expensive. BTW, Laurentgilles above means Hertz obviously -- not kHz -- when referring to a 15" unit on an open baffle:)
Ttrhp, if you don't mind, how did you like the Monarchy? I've heard it's really good for an inexpensive amp if you don't need the power.