Bondmanp. I totally agree with you on second part of your post. We should be giving each other a helping hand & advice if needed. Acquiring Hi-Fi equipment to reproduce a music we love is a learning experience. To get a satisfactory results takes passion, time, some knowledge and a big chunk of money. I think I'm speaking for many "audiogoners" when I say that we hate to spend our hard earn money on equipment that doesn't bring desire improvement. In order to help us make right decisions we often try to reach audiophiles on this site with the experience & knowledge that can possibly answer our questions or doubts. Of-course we can have arguments or disputes over specific subject but a pointless attacks are exactly that - POINTLESS !
Now - trying to give you any meaningful advice is a little difficult knowing that you are already accustom to Vanderteen's sound characteristics. You mention that you want to addition some speakers (Galo Ref. 3.1, Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grands, Spendor 8se ).
In case of Gallo & Vienna I have addition them ones before. Nice speakers, with their own different characteristics. Gallos have a robust bass, detail but a little colored heights in my opinion.
Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grands are very nice & sweet sounding speakers but you said it your self - "minimal baffle sound" is very important to you ( Overall my favorite from the ones you mention, except Spendor witch I have not listen to in a long time).
You can also try Zu druids. Sound can be describe as "live music" or front row seats. They are not exactly Quatros and are not perfect but they do a lot of thinks right. Druids are very easy to drive (101db) and are about 11" wide.
Another suggestion is - to addition Lipinski speakers. Roman Lipinski is the only audiophile oriented manufacturer professionally active in both, recording and engineering sciences. His recording studio is well known & respected in Europe. This man is driven by perfectionism in engineering music & products of his design. I did personally meet Mr. R. Lipinski when I attended this year's AUDIO SHOW in New York & I can tell you that this guy is really, really passionate about music. We also talk about a " birth " and reasons of creating Lipinski speaker line. Problems he encounter with selecting the best parts, and his very high standards of manufacturing process & execution of is original ideas. Going back to the speakers. From what I could hear in his show room they are revelation in all departments except bass, witch they are locking. You have mention that you have 2Wq subs in witch case it may be a good solution for you. There are two models - one is about 9" wide & smaller one is about 8" wide. IT'S ONLY ONE PROBLEM L-707 is about $4500 witch is over your budget ( if you decided to go that road I could talk to him to give you my - show discount price. I think it's $500 off )(
I don't know if it help but I want to wish you luck in pursuing your dream system.
Happy listening !