I own a pair of Andra 2's. I agree with Jtinn. The speakers need some power. French fries's Levinson 33h must have alot of current. I think the 33h are 150 watt @ 8 ohm. I've talked with Egglestonworks several times about amps and preamps. They recommend a good solid state amp in the 500 watt range. At CES, they were using the Pass Labs 600.5 mono blocks and they were very happy with the 600.5's. I'm using a 300 watt Jeff Rowland 302 amp and feel that I run out of power on occasion. I've had the Andra's up to a 97 db peak on my Radio Shack db meter. Normally, I run my amp between 85 and 92 db. You have to slightly push the amp, (or is it the speakers), to get a well balanced live sound. They are awesome speakers. The Andra's have excellent dynamics. I listen to alot of Pink Floyd, Cream, and Hendrix lately. Guitar especially sounds just like the real thing. Bass and synthesizer are excellent as well. The speakers are capable of room-(my room 14'w x 28'l)- shaking bass response. Great speakers, but probably not a good match with your current amps though. Good luck. Stan
Atma-Sphere amps with Eggleston Andra II's
I own a pair of Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 OTL monoblocks that are probably the one part of my system that will staying put for a long, long time. Currently, speakers are Dynaudio Confidence C2's. Preamp is an Atma-Sphere MP1 MkIII.
I'm looking to change/upgrade my speakers. As good as the C2's are, i.e., extremely coherent, very natural and detailed, nonfatiguing, they certainly don't have much "slam" factor. Now, I mostly listen to classical, jazz, and female vocals at moderate levels, but once in awhile still throw on some Cream, ZZ Top, Seger, ELP or whatever that demands some volume and presence in the low frequencies. I have been reading that the Andra II's can provide most, if not all, of the C2's traits but also add the missing lower octave and slam.
My question to Andra II owners is this: will 220 watts of OTL power drive the Andra II's properly? The MA2's can handle 4 ohm loads without difficulty as long as there are no crazy phase shifts. I am mainly concerned about running my amps dry.
I'm looking to change/upgrade my speakers. As good as the C2's are, i.e., extremely coherent, very natural and detailed, nonfatiguing, they certainly don't have much "slam" factor. Now, I mostly listen to classical, jazz, and female vocals at moderate levels, but once in awhile still throw on some Cream, ZZ Top, Seger, ELP or whatever that demands some volume and presence in the low frequencies. I have been reading that the Andra II's can provide most, if not all, of the C2's traits but also add the missing lower octave and slam.
My question to Andra II owners is this: will 220 watts of OTL power drive the Andra II's properly? The MA2's can handle 4 ohm loads without difficulty as long as there are no crazy phase shifts. I am mainly concerned about running my amps dry.
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- 16 posts total