Magnepan lover, which one do you choose?

I have a chance to buy either a pair of used Maggies 2.6r(12yrs old 8/10 condition) and used 1.6QR(2 years old 9/10 condition) as they are the same price or bit cheaper for the 2.6. I still prefer 2.6R because the ribbon. These are the only two models that could fit my room. They have the same power input and output, just different frequency, the 2.6 (37hz-40khz), 1.6 (40hz-24khz). What do you think? Which one is better in sound and sonic?

Thanks for your help.
My experience with the ribbon in the 3.6 was that it required the best equipment in front of it. A $4K amp was not good enough (but I was still learning in those days). If budget for the other gear is a factor then I think the QR would be more forgiving of lesser gear, but I am extrapolating here. If I were doing it again I would have saved cash and headache and bought the 1.6. As it is the 3.6 is long gone, got tired of feeding that beast.
I hate to say it because I still like the Magnepan products and would buy them again if I wanted to dedicate the space to get the most out out of them. But, beware of any older speakers. These designs have a problem with the voice coil wires delaminating from the mylar panel. It happened to my MG111A's after 9 to 10 years. True, this was in humid Florida, but the house was always air conditioned. The adhesive broke down and turned gummy. I Don't know whether or not they have made any changes to this process on the newer products.
With regards to the comment by Hifiharv above, I have been using a pair of 3.5r's since 1994 (purchased brand new from an authorized dealer) and I have not seen the probelm he describes. Same thing for a pair of MG-IIIa's that I used for eight years before that (also purchased brand new from an authorized dealer). In my experience, Maggies are built for the long haul.