Anyone heard Harbeth HL5s with Nuforce?

About to purchase Super 5s and want to upgrade electronics soon - currently using old Onkyo integrated. Anyone heard Nuforce 9s pushing these or other Harbeths? If not, how about your suggestion for SS amp for these? Budget of $2,500 new or used. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Getting around to this a little late, but I have a friend's Nuforce 8s driving my SHL5's right now and I think I may buy a pair of these amps (or maybe the 9s). The combo seems a bit bright and the bass is light, but the clarity and tonal purity of the sound is so extraordinary that I may be able to overlook those shortcomings. And I may be able to solve them with tweaking. Detail, attack, naturalness, tonal color...all are terrific.

The Nuforce amps seem particulary fussy about cables, so you need to be prepared to experiment.

I also have a Plinius 9200 here.
I have the HL 5's connected to the Nuforce 9.02 and they sound great. Great dynamics, clarity and sound stage. I am very happy with this combination.
harbeths are not real choosy of amplications. i heard from several dealers a variety of amps.

Plinius is very popular,Naim audio, McCormack, Bat amplification & PS Audio amplifiers.

each amp has its own sound, system synergy would play an important role