Subwoofer Phase

Can somone explain the phase control on a subwoofer.
How dose it work?
how do you know all your speakers are in time?
What do the numbers mean on the control knob?

I am just trying to learn about how to set this particular control. I would appreciate any help in this matter.

Thank You

Hi Rwwear,

Thanks for bringing up that very important point, mini-monitors and a subwoofer would be a perfect example.
Some subwoofers have a remote control for setting phase while at the seated position :)
Another great use for a spectrum analyser! Play the white noise signal and mess around with the phase until you get a deep sharp notch at the SW crossover frequency. Then set the phase 180 degrees from this setting.
Hey Eldartford,

I don't have a spectrum analyser, but I do have a couple of SPL meters along with white noise/test tone cd's, could I simply check for the notch that way?
Darkmoebius...Sure, but it won't be slam dunk easy as with the spectrum analyser. In general it is easier to find a minimum (notch) than a maximum.