Vandersteen Quatro Hum

I hooked up my Vandersteen Quatros and I am getting a hum as soon as I turn on my Ayre V-5Xe amp that powers the speakers. I think it is some kind of ground hum/loop. Any ideas about how I can eliminate this problem?
Vandersteen Quatro and M5/ 5A will hum with Ayre amps if you are not using balanced cables. Also make sure that you have the right setting on your X-overs.
Thanks guys. I called Ayre. Initially, they were unsure of what the problem was. Then I talked to Charlie Hanson and he informed me that it was a ground issue on the amp and that if I sent the amp back it would be upgraded for free.
Note - I was also able to eliminate the hum by plugging the amp into a Running Springs Haley power conditioner instead of the wall.