Need advice on a tube line stage

I'm looking to add a tube line stage to the herd. It will partner with a Bryston 4B SST2 amp through Thiel CS2.4 and GoldenEar Triton 2 loudspeakers. Primary source is a Cambridge Audio 840C CD player.

Budget is ~ $1,500 up to maybe $2,500 (but that end of the budget would probably force me to sell my current Parasound JC2).

Some options appear to be:

Trancendent Sound Grounded Grid (new $900)
Audio by Van Alstine Transcendence 9 (new 1,400)
Modwright SWL 9.0SE (mint used $1,450)
Quicksilver Remote Control Line Stage (new $1,600)
Audio by Van Alstine FET Valve CF (new $1,900)
conrad-johnson Classic 2SE (new $2,200)
Audible Illusions L3 (new $2,500 with some $ voodoo)

I would like a slightly more liquid presentation than I currently get with my current rig. More "musical". I no longer value extreme transparency as much as I did, partially because I'm no longer mixing records and don't need my system to double as a reference. That said, I don't want anything overly soft or veiled.

Ag insider logo xs@2xja2austintx
I have a great Audioprism Mantissa that would fit the bill
It's been fully upgraded and sounds very good
I hope you have 10kohm log value passive pot, as your poweramp is quite low in input impedance.
If any higher than 10k it won't be a great impedance match into your poweramp, gain will be fine, but impedance not very good.

As for inputs, the one I linked to (above) has 4 inputs with the better rotary selector, and great quality Alps Blue Velvet pot

PS: It's just been pointed out to me, for a few dollars more this seller has the same unit but with even better disctrete switched 1% metal film resistor volume pot, even better than the Alps Blue Velvet.


Cheers George
Hi Ja2austintx,
I hope you follow George's suggestion to try that passive. I think your Modwright with well chosen tubes is a good decision on your part. As with Response34 I'm genuinely interested in your comparison. My hunch is the Modwright is likely better, but directly comparing is the best method.
My Goldpoint SA2 (HT mod) has a 25 kOhm volume pot, so it might not work. I also have a Richard Lee Audio passive but I don't know how it's spec'ed. I emailed for more info.