Keep the Spicas! Although I've neverheard the TC60s, I still have my TC50s (the first speakers I ever bought). I replaced them in my main system with very expensive monitors, which better them in many respects, but they still have a magic with vocals that can't be beat. I set them up in my bedroom, along with some other stuff from my main system that I wasn't using. I actually just plunked them on the floorhooked up with cheap wire, and they still sing! If anyone here actually saw how I have them "set up", I would get mightily abused, but they really do make music. They work well with almost anything, alhtough the better the euqipment, the better they sound. I am currently using a Sony 707 ES and Theta pro prime into a JJ828. Other things I liked with them were Acurus A150 and Pass Labs Aleph 3.
I odn't know which Audio Physics speakers you tried, but the magic ones were the Step 2 (from the early 90s) and the Virgo 2. I did not like the 3 series Virgo at all.
I odn't know which Audio Physics speakers you tried, but the magic ones were the Step 2 (from the early 90s) and the Virgo 2. I did not like the 3 series Virgo at all.