What don't you like about these speakers?

I will soon be able to audition the following speakers: Von Schweikert VR-2, Gallo Reference 3.1, and the Dynaudio Focus 220. My limit is $3000. I am not going to consider other speakers. I am not going to buy used. I want to support the retail audio shops. I live far enough away that I will have to drive 3 hours to Kansas City to a dealer who has all three set up. These speakers all get rave press and positives here, however, I am interested more in the opinions of those who didn't like them. I have Dynaudio 70s, which I like, but want to step up to an even better speaker. It's easy to get lots of positives, after all, we like what we listen to and have spent good money to buy. If there are specific problem areas, I would be interested to hear about them. Thank you in advance for your replies.
Tpsonic-always good advise to just listen and enjoy. The problem with auditioning speakers in a store is that it's not your room, there is a breakin period and the mind gets confused comparing speakers, but it still is a blast to listen to great music reproduced by great equipment!
Entrope- my home is an hour west of St. Louis. I bought my VR-1s from Primus and liked the experience. I have been around St. Louis long enough to watch retail audio stores go by the wayside-some fine ones too. A sad consequence of mega electornic stores and the WalMart phenomenon of buying cheap stuff, even if it breaks in 6 months. St. Louis still has a few stores left, and I like to visit them. I fear one day they may not be there either. I have been guilty of some mail order purchases, but only a few. The majority has been from local shops. Thanks for the responses so far. I look forward to hearing more about these speakers.
I respectfully disagree with Tpsonic... the Gallos are quite happy with Maccormack DNA 0.5's with much less power. TP is right on with the reflectivity of the room affecting tone & setup up "challenges" with the SA.

Where do you shop for gear in Omaha? I'm always looking to audition while I'm back visiting. Also, other than the shops in the Old Market, any suggestions for software (vinyl)?
I'm in west county... and have the gallos & the name of the local dealer for same.

Get in touch, brent
Three places:

Sound Environment in Rockbrook at 108th and Center. Wilson, Ayre, VTL etc.

Custom Electronics 72nd and Pacific. B&W, Magnepan, Conrad-Johnson

Stereo West 144th and Center- Paradigm, Mirage, Anthem, Yamaha

in that order.

Your system looks sweet but I bet you wish that fireplace was in another room.
