Bartok fan,
I understand your view, but it is difficult for me to actually audition speakers becuase there aren't enough shops nearby. Speakers are so individual that my ears need time to adjust and appreciate them. I am sure there are very many in the $3000 range that are wonderful, but I have to narrow it down to those I can compare. The other problem is side by side comparison, which is a must for me. My brain can't remember the subtleties of a speaker heard yesterday while I'm listening to another today. Luckily, Primus has all three (and more, such as Triangle) on display and can be heard side by side. It would be enjoyable to spend a week just swapping and comparing , but unfortunately work gets in the way. On the other hand, I can think of few things more enjoyable than listening to music all day long, reproduced by great equipment. Grab a pizza and a bottle of wine and make the most of it!