Chinese Speaker Prices

I have a friend you is going to China next week and I wanted to know if Usher speakers would be much cheaper direct from China? If so, I will get him to make the purchase and ship them to me. Also, are there any suggestions for other Chinese equipment that I should pick up while he is over there? Thanks.
Ship them to you???

Ship speakers from China!!! The last equipment I shipped to Japan cost the guy almost $300 for shipping an old Mcintosh preamp! You might save money, but the shipping could negate any savings you get.
I believe Usher speakers are made in Taiwan. Aurum Cantus speakers are made in China, very nice G2 ribbon tweeters, some say one of the best tweeters around. There are a lot of equipment brands, you might check out to get an idea of what you like. Cheers.
depending on what model you are interested in, you may save a few bucks but not get any type of warranty. Speakers sold in the US come with a full 3 year warranty.

Usher is made in Taiwan, not China. American Hi-Fi gears are priced double in Asia, maybe a little bit more.
After you ship, be ready to pay import duties too...

(and pass on warranty support)