advice re stand mounted speakers

i am considering a a stand mounted speaker just for kicks.

i am looking for a soft treble response, decent bass, and no forward mids, hopefully decent depth.

i was thinking of the nht 3. deos this speaker satisfy my requirement ? are ther others under $1000 ?

remember a bit euphonic and kind to the ear--no zingy dome tweeters

I haven't hear the NHT3, but I have never heard another NHT speaker that I would describe as meeting your requirement.

I have a pair of original Reference 3A MM DeCapos that sound like what you desire. The highs from the silk done tweeter are easy on the ear and the bass is excellent for a monitor. The do not have the mid bass hump that I've heard in many other monitors.

You can sometime buy a pair of DeCapos (oringinal, not the newer "i" model) for around $1000. I saw a pair here last week under the $1k mark.


Try the Coincident Triumphs. From your description they're just what you're looking for, and very tube-friendly to boot.

Dynaudio 52SE's. You will need some juice in your amp to get the best out of these.