Small speakers for retail store

Looking for recommendations for small speakers that can be wall/ceiling/shelf mounted or placed inconspicuously for use in a retail store or coffee shop (think "Starbucks" or about the size of a large living room) for background music (but still looking for as good quality as can be had for the budget, something non-fatiguing to play all day).

Budget in the $300-500 range, recommendations for used ok but would like some options for new as well.
I would suggest omnidirectional speakers, as what you want is good tonal balance throughout the room with little consideration for imaging. Mirage comes to mind.

The problem with conventional speakers listened to well off-axis or from far away is that the tonal balance sounds wrong. This is because it is impossible to design a conventional small two-way to give good on-axis response and good power response (summed omnidirectional response) at the same time. The farther off-axis you are, or the farther away from the speakers you are, the more the power response dominates the perceived tonal balance. A speaker designed for good omnidirectional response is much more likely to sound good under those conditions.
