GMA Callisto vs. Reference 3a De Capo i

Hi friends,
I want to know if anyone could compare the Green Mountain Audio Callisto with the Reference 3A De Capo i.
As I know both are excellents minimonitors with medium-high sensitive and work perfect with SE amplifiers.
Please let me know your experience.
neither have real bass, but both have sufficent tonal accuracy, and image like gangbusters. there are however speakers like the totem, sonus fabor, and others that nail the tone and size of each intrument. set will limit your options, but both the above you've mentioned are good choices.
I would rate the Callistos much higher that the 3As. I had a home demo of 3As a couple of years ago and found that I preferred the considerably cheaper Athena AS-F2's. The 3AS sounded somewhat bright and forward to me.

I later took the advice of many Audiogon members and purchased a set of GMA Europas. They easily bettered the Athenas and I now have the Callistos which I am driving with a 12watt/channel Kr Audio amp. I still have the Athenas but only use them as home theater speakers.
Crgolfer, "To each his own". I own the Reference 3A MM DeCapos and owned a pair of Athena AS-B1s (bookshelf vs your floorstanders) for a couple of days. The Athenas had zero redeeming qualities IMHO (they were inexpensive though).

My DeCapos are the non-i version, so maybe that is the difference. In my system thay are nearly opposite of what you describe. They are somewhat soft on the top end and are distinctly mid-hall in my room.

I have yet to hear a better speaker in my room. This may be room dependent, but I've owned about 6-7 different speakers over the last ten years. The DeCapos have lasted the longest by a wide margin and they are not the most expensive of the bunch.


I have owned both Europas and De Capo i's. I don't think you will go wrong with either speaker you are considering, but they are quite different from one another.The GMA sound is "accurate but musical", a very appealing combination. The De Capos are less accurate to my ear but are extremely involving and expressive, thus also extremely musical. They do tend to be a little bright but it's not a deal breaker. Capable of very good bass. The GMAs will sound more clearer and more direct, the Reg 3As a little softer in focus.
>> 05-13-06: Jaybo
>> neither have real bass,

re. the GMA Callistos you have no idea of what you are talking about!
I have heard the Callistos in the GMA factory listening room which is a very modest room. The bass from the Callisto was big for a 6" woofer! it was surprising to hear & also commendable.
Have you actually heard the Callisto?