B&W 803D and Pathos Classic One

After many reading from most of the forums and reviewed of the B&W 803D speakers. I have set my mind on that speakers. I was thinking to get the Pathos Classic One. I cannot find any review or other people have that similar setup. It classic one power enough to drive the speaker?

If it not powerful enought for the speakers, so what is the best matching preamp and amp for that speakers?

I think you'll find that you won't know what the 803's can really do without giving them some power. I do not think the pathos has enough to do what you want it to.
I was think the same thing that Pathos Classic one is little under power for the speakers. I might step to the Logos or other type of Amp system perfer tube type.
I used to drive KEF Q1's (typical 8 ohm, 2 way monitor) with a mighty Almarro 3 watt/ch integrated (EL84 tubes).
I could play them louder than I needed with this amp.

I don't see why 80 watts/ch would be "underpowered" unless you're trying to reproduce Ted Nugent in your living room.

P. S. Try before you buy...
I am the Pathos agent is South Africa, and would only like to add that according to my knowledge Pathos use some of the B&W models in their development work. Not 100% sure the details, but in a response to a similar question from my side Pathos replied that Classic One sounds good on a pair of B&w 802.
Regards Stefan
I heard this speaker with MAC integrated which is 75w/ch. Sounded nice but was not able to play them at realistic levels. MAC would give up. Heard them in another store with MAC 100/ch solid state amp, it gave up playing Metallica at a relatively good level, but I would not call it too loud, or in that matter, it was not near reproducing James Hetfield in the room. Actually a right channel on that amp completely shut off. At another place I heard these speakers with C-J CT6 tube preamp and Premier-140 tube amp and it was really good, but we never went too loud. I liked it a lot with the C-J stuff. Smooth and strong at normal volume.
Personally, having owned the N803 for number of years, I had them set up at various times with McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe, then DNA-125 and now DNA-225, which is a really nice match. The more power the better for these speakers. B&Ws are power hungry. Keep that in mind. They will sure play with that Pathos amp, but I doubt 70w/ch would make the speakers or you happy. I would go for a tube pre and solid state amp. BAT tube pre and solid state amp would most likely be a very good match for these speakers. Or that C-J combo I mentioned above. Good luck.