TAD-803 2 way speaker review

This is a review of the TAD803 2 way speaker currently on sale. I am not associated with Bizzy Bee Audio, but have actively watched the website due to recommendations in other forums.
I had a need for additional speakers to compliment my existing speakers - I have two systems - 1 is vintage McIntosh tube - the other is an Solid State 2ch/multichannel system for 2 ch. Audio and Home Theater. Laziness prompted me to want a second set of speakers to avoid swapping speaker cables. I also thought it would be fun to add an alternate speaker brand. I decided to try the Bizzy Bee Audio discontinued 2 way speakers currently on a blow out sale of $129.00 first and then buy the current single driver model if I found the original 2 way design appealing. This review is for those wondering about the 2 way sonics.
Upon receipt of the speakers, I unpacked them to set up for testing and while doing so, thought these probably will just sound okay, but not anywhere near "audiophile" grade. Worst case - I give them to my son for college. I used the C22/MC240 McIntosh tube set up along with my Phillips 963a SACD player. I chose a set of CD's that have recently been in rotation for my nightly listening. First choice - DeeDee Bridgewater - J'ai Deux Amours. I set the levels at 82-84db using my dB Meter. Sat down - pressed play - and my jaw hit the floor.....and stayed there the entire night! The fidelity of these speakers has to be heard to be believed! And this was out of the box - no break in time! I spent the next 4 nights running a variety of music through them. 30 plus hours DOES make a BIG difference for these 803s. Experimenting with setup and toe in has yielded a HUGE sound stage. Detail is amazing and the range,while limited at either extreme, is quite impressive for such a relatively small speaker! Imaging is very precise with instruments and voices placed in a 3 dimensional soundstage. Inner detail is amazing, especially after I had 30+ hours of break in time. When pushed hard, I have noticed a slight edginess to the upper midrange - lower treble - but this is at loudness levels I seldom used (90+ db). At the close out price, these are simply the most amazing speaker I have heard - even at 500.00 these would still be an awesome deal! I still find myself thinking that something this cheap should NOT sound this good! Get some before they are gone!! 3 sets have now been purchased by friends after hearing them at my house. Thanks Paul for offering such a great speaker! I am already planning on buying the current version which, from the description, must truely be a giant killer!
Bartokfan, so when you heard these speakers, what in particular did you not like about them?
Until I heard them myself, I too was skeptical anything this cheap could even remotely sound musical. When did you audition them or the current more expensive model from Bizzy Bee Audio?
Keep this in perspective - these are being sold WELL BELOW cost - these are NOT the best speaker I've ever heard, but they ARE very good within their limits.
I too find most "Audio" gear to be overpriced and over hyped. That is why, when I find a true bargain, I share the information. If you don't like it, just ignore it.
I have seen these on a website in China. You buy 25 pairs and they are very cheap. Well below $100 a pair. Maybe for that price they are nice, but not what I would call a quality speaker.
Azstereo - Making that statement without a link is easy. Supply the link. Have you actually heard them? I am currently listening to a pair of B&W 805s and comparing the TAD803s - just out of curiosity. The B&Ws are clearly a better speaker - as they should be for 20 times the price. But, the 803's still do have some qualities that would surprise anyone. Please do supply the china link - I am quite interested in buying large quantities.
Mkinsman, I was going to try and find it for you. But if you want to see them, find it yourself. Do a search under china speakers. It will take awhile, but that is how I came across them. You will find 99.9% junk, but there are a few interesting things.