PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?

Anyone heard or owned PMC speakers, especially models GB-1 (Retail $2200) and FB-1 ($3300) I saw these recently in an audio shop but did not have time to listen to them. They use a transmission line enclosure which claims bass response to 29-28Hz. The FB-1 is a two way syatem with a 4.5 inch woofer. The next model has a bigger cabinet, is also a two way system which uses a 5.5 or 6 inch woofer. Both seem like a lot of money for a two way system whose major claim is deep bass. Need input and opinion about this product. Thank you, Jim
PMCs are similar to ATCs. They are both aimed at the pro studio monitor market where they are very well respected. Some audiophiles will find them too revealing due to their accuracy. Search the archives, there was a lengthy thread about the differences between the brands.
I heard PMC at a fest this year. I found them smooth and dark which i find tiring. So an audition with various electronics would be a must so you see if its the type of sound you are looking for.....
I had the chance to audition the OB-1 as part of my two year speaker search. I found them emotionally challenged. They did nothing particularly wrong or right--simply an uninspiring transducer that left me totally unimpressed. Given the technology used and their attractive appearance I really WANTED to like them. Disappointing. I have to disagree with Onhwy61 on this one--I've heard the ATC's (Passive 100's) and they are far and away better--not even in the same league. Hope this helps.

The Bryston/PMC Owner's circle on has a wealth of information on PMC speakers and ATC vs PMC has been discussed a lot. You might want to check it out if you haven't already. I've only listened to the IB-1 (I own a pair and the IB-1 center). I would think it would be worthwhile for you to listen to the GB-1, FB-1, and the OB-1.With the IB-1's, you hear what is on the recording. If you have a bad recording, it will sound badly. The IB-1's are phenomenal speakers in the bass, mids, and highs in my opinion. The OB-1 shares the same mid and tweeter as the IB-1's. Hope this helps.