PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?

Anyone heard or owned PMC speakers, especially models GB-1 (Retail $2200) and FB-1 ($3300) I saw these recently in an audio shop but did not have time to listen to them. They use a transmission line enclosure which claims bass response to 29-28Hz. The FB-1 is a two way syatem with a 4.5 inch woofer. The next model has a bigger cabinet, is also a two way system which uses a 5.5 or 6 inch woofer. Both seem like a lot of money for a two way system whose major claim is deep bass. Need input and opinion about this product. Thank you, Jim
I heard PMC at a fest this year. I found them smooth and dark which i find tiring. So an audition with various electronics would be a must so you see if its the type of sound you are looking for.....
I had the chance to audition the OB-1 as part of my two year speaker search. I found them emotionally challenged. They did nothing particularly wrong or right--simply an uninspiring transducer that left me totally unimpressed. Given the technology used and their attractive appearance I really WANTED to like them. Disappointing. I have to disagree with Onhwy61 on this one--I've heard the ATC's (Passive 100's) and they are far and away better--not even in the same league. Hope this helps.

The Bryston/PMC Owner's circle on has a wealth of information on PMC speakers and ATC vs PMC has been discussed a lot. You might want to check it out if you haven't already. I've only listened to the IB-1 (I own a pair and the IB-1 center). I would think it would be worthwhile for you to listen to the GB-1, FB-1, and the OB-1.With the IB-1's, you hear what is on the recording. If you have a bad recording, it will sound badly. The IB-1's are phenomenal speakers in the bass, mids, and highs in my opinion. The OB-1 shares the same mid and tweeter as the IB-1's. Hope this helps.
I want to thank all for thir generous advice and comments; Yes,I will have to give the PMC's a careful listen. Though, I think I may be predispposed to liking them because of their slim profile and small footprint and "potentially" deep bass. Unfortunately, from what I have read from the above posts, they may not be anything exceptional about them; and, they may also be finicky about front electronics. Also, I would be limited to the GB-1 because of money and even stretching it at $2200.... Interestingly, I heard the Monitor Audio RS-6 which is a great speaker for the money. Along side them, were the Thiel 1.6 which sounded better; the sound just being there unattached to a box or driver. The Thiels, though still had a bit of a tizzy sound in the lower treble, and their published bass response of 48Hz seems anemic for a speaker that costs approx. $2500. All in all, it is difficult for me to justify spending $1500 more for the Thiels over the Monitor Audio's, so I will keep looking.... For the record, I currently have a pair of Vandersteen 1C's which are good speakers and generally accurate for the money, but not coherent with highs that can sound a bit bright and hard. I have also considered just changing my CD player which a 13 year old Sonographe to the "new" Music Hall CD 25.2 or the "allegedly" better modified version. I am sure this could offer some improvement to the overall sound of my system which is neither mediocre nor shabby