B&W 805S & BAT VK300x SE Integrated. Synergy??

I have the above speakers(805S, NOT 805 Signature), hooked up to Sony SCD-777ES SACD Player with Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II interconnects and Satori speaker cable. I listen to all sorts of music except classical. I love the speakers and changing them just yet is not an option.

The BAT VK300x SE Integrated is the amp I'm eyeing, it beat out the McIntosh 6900 and Gryphon Diablo to my ears. This is the amp with the 6H30 supertube...fast, neutral, dynamic, beautifully layered, incredibly transparent and great bass.

The highs however had a slight edge to them, which might be because of the tube used.

Since the B&W 805S can also have a tendency to sound a tad bright in the highs, I'm wondering if the BAT will exacerbate this effect.

Sadly, I cannot audition my speakers with the amp.

So I ask you, can anyone articulate the sonic character of the 805S and perhaps shed some light on any synergy issues that I might want to watch out for.

The other option is to get the 6922 tube version BAT integrated but I don't want to exercise it unless the SE is a lost cause with my 805S.

Another interesting spanner has been slung into the works by the CD player. Though I love my Sony SCD777ES, I am in lust with the looks and sound of the Cary 306 SACD player (which apparently uses the same transport as the Sony SCD-1 flagship). Plus Im intrigued about how an upsampling player can rejuvenate my old collection of CDs.

Even though I heard the Cary for just 2 minutes it sounded decidedly different to my Sony player.

Has anyone paired this player with the BAT integrated and what were the results. If not, I'm also open to informed judgements about what I can expect from this union, from people who may happen to know the character of both these devices.

You forgot two terrific integrated amplifiers in your list.

The Plinius 9200 is shockingly good, terrific bass and a wide well defined soundstage and it is very warm to boot and it is an excellent buy at $4200.00

Then there is the amazing Edge G3 the Edge is less powerful 115 watts vs 200 watts for the Plinius. The Edge is amazing sounding huge soundstage and remarkable transparency! It is one of the most amazing amplifiers out there.

What part of the country are you in that you can't find a dealer for the BAT to hear with your B&W.s?
I had my 805s bolted to the plate but tried setting them up on 3 brass points.
I still use the bolts, slightly tightened, to keep them safe.
Audio Oracle. good amps no doubt but I am looking for a hybrid, with the texture and wetness of tubes. So Plinius is probably not for my tastes at this point.