Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly

I just bought a Reference 3a Decapo "i" version pair of speakers mounted on sound anchors speaker stands. I'm using a Antique sound lab ki22 fox dt integrated, Cary 306 cdp, siltech interconnects and Harmonic Tech pro speaker cables. The sound is shrill to the point of listener fatique and dissapointment. Is it my cables, the amp/speaker combo, the speakers? I'm confused and frustrated. Any suggestion?
I agree with Goatwuss, it is almost certainly a speaker/room problem. A friend has the same speakers and amp as you and it is a superb combination - absolutely no brightness. What is your room like, how far are the speakers from the various room boundaries (walls) and where do you sit realitive to the speakers and back wall?
A somewhat forward, perhaps "shouty" midrange is a common criticism of the the decapo i, which I used to own. You should be able to tame it with various approaches mentioned here. One other to try would be speaker height. How high are your stands? Try putting some books or something under them and see what that does. Lowering them is more difficult to do, obviously, butg might be worth making some effort. And toe-in of course.
>Maybe they need more power or current than your amp can deliver.<

Not likely, since they were designed around SETs. I sincerely doubt that is the problem.

BTW, I am pretty familiar with this speaker. It does have a foreward sounding midrange. That is just the way it sounds, good or bad. Maybe that's what he is hearing and is sensitive to it.

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Thank you all for your responses. I don't get the same shrilliness from my tuner(magnum dynalab etude) or when the system is hooked up to my cable box. I believe the problem is the cd-amp interface and perhaps the siltech is too silver.What do you think about the cardas golden reference? My stands are 26 inches high and about three feet from the back wall. The speakers are abut 8 feet apart and the listening position is about 8 feet from center. I'm getting ready to move so my listening room is emptier than usual. I will leave the room treatment for my new digs.