Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.
To All:
This is the second time I have had to comment on comments about my amp. I am the owner of the Berning amp BW is criticizing. I demo'd it in my home for him and we compared it to his Symphonic Line monos as well as my Sixpac monos. BW thinks the Berning is bright. OK, we each are entitled to our opinion. In my opinion it is not bright. I am very sensitive to brightness. The Berning makes most amps, including the Symphonic Lines and my own Sixpacs sound veiled. It is the most open, clear, and detailed amp I have owned or auditioned. I am speaking from 20+ years in this hobby. As I have stated before, the Berning and Sixpacs both offer excellent musical reproduction. The Sixpacs offer a warmer, fuller sound. Some will not like them for that reason. The Berning offers a more pristine, resolved, leaner sound. Some will not like it for that reason. I like both sounds. That's why I still own and enjoy both amps. Does the Berning sound musical? Yes. Down right awesome (again my opinion) but you have to feed it right. If anything upstream is amiss the Berning will let you know in a hurry. Amps like the Sixpacs and Symphonic Line are more "forgiving" because they don't resolve the details as well. I have heard Bombaywalla's system. I will offer a couple observations from the comparison of the two systems. Bombaywalla's system possesses a lot of mid-bass heavyness (some would call it bloat or box coloration) that initially gives the impression of more bass but tends to make every song sound similar. Not a trait I have, or want, in my system, but some like that sound and should enjoy it. "If we all liked the same thing there would be only one flavor of ice cream." In contrast, the Merlin VSM MX provides much more bass impact without the perpetual heavyness (observed by playing the song called Gaia on the James Taylor Hourglass CD). He likes his system and that is all that should matter to him. I point out these traits in Bombaywalla's system, not to be critical, but to emphasize the difference in listening preferences and environments we each come from. I like the sound I'm getting with my system, he likes the sound he is getting with his system. That's how it should be. It's hard to criticize another's system without criticizing their listening preferences. When we communicate with others in forums like this we should be mindful of our differences and listening preferences enough to realize we cannot make statements that convey to someone else what THEY will like. There are too many variables. You can state your opinion based on your own listening bias (which we should also include in the text) to serve as a "guide" to others contemplating a change to their system. But to convey your opinion as an absolute fact is not a good thing.
As for the Berning amp, some will love it, some will prefer something else. Fair enough. Regarding manufacturers posting on these boards I say: Why not? I welcome all manufacturers (not just those who's gear I've purchased and/or admire). I want to hear from all of them. Their opinions are as good as any, but that's just my opinion. :)
Bobbyapalkovic: ...nothing of any substance is to be taken from black and white comments that have no substance. and if you can't see that, you are just a buffoon trying to provoke this further. if you don't like it...don't read it.

Who is going to decide what is black, white, has substance or lacks it, if not everyone for themselves? OTOH you seem to know just what is what and whoever sees it differently is a baffoon? (To those who have rushed to talk about your graciousness, I can only suggest that a little explanation is called for.)

Now the second part: "If others don't like it, they don't have to read." Communities don't work that way. I can't walk into a church or concert or a museum, behave disuptively, use foul language, and claim that whoever doesn't like it can just ignore me.

A'gon is a community for many and whoever disrupts the atmosphere deserves to be called on that. Your conduct in this thread has gone beyond just expressing your own opinions. You have sought to impose your opinions and judgements on others, and tried to bully them with personal taunts and foul language. That is quite simply not acceptable.

Fiddler; If 99 people out of 100 love something and I am the only one who doesn't, then that leaves me with two choices. I can continue to be a moron and say that I am right and everyone else is wrong or I can step back and ask myself if I could be wrong.

Considering that most people love mass-market junk, I would suggest a little more confidence in your own taste. :) Mercifully, there is no audio product on which 99% people agree, and you probably don't face this dilemma very often.

Wellfed: I feel deeply for every manufacturer that has had their livelyhood affected by erroneous conclusions...

You obviously have a good heart and I appreciate that. However, if you are buying one pair of speakers, no matter who you choose or how, there are hundred others who didn't get chosen and they all need to make a living. Similarly, once we declare something to be "erroneous" it sounds undesirable but who decides what is erroneous? Let people make their own decisions and these things tend to work out on the average.

You obviously missed the point or avoided the point. Your response is like comparing apples and screwdrivers.

We are talking about peoples experience with EXACTLY the same product, the Berning. The 99% remark I made is in reference to people who have heard or who own the ZH270.

But it's easier to obfuscate than to address the specifics, huh?

I read one thread were an audiophile was reviewing some world class studio speakers at the manufacturer. The audiophile claimed that there was no bass and that something had been wired up incorrectly out of phase. The audiophile even argued vehemently with the manufacturer...insisting something was wrong.

The unfortunate reality is that heavy resonant bass (with all that harmonic distortion) is cheaper to manufacture and sells better than lean accurate bass. Sadly it has become so widespread in the speaker industry that many listeners have actually come to regard this as "normal correct sound".
i owe you nor anyone else an explanation!
personal taunts and foul language?
what are you reading?
and i have expressed no personal opinions on anything audio but a few people's behavior and chioce of words.
you have repeatedly twisted the statements i have made and you and bombay have called me names which is truly sad and only damages your standing.
a buffoon (a clown) you certainly are! you were the one who used the word baffoon. there is a difference you know.
the only thought i would like to impose on people is that it is nice to be kind and fair and if you don't get that, there is no helping you.
twist away!