Best speakers under $3K for tube amps,

Best picks.
Also i'd like to know if you have a 86db speaker and has 2 midwoofers/1 tweet. And another speaker with same drivers rated 86db but is a 2 way/single midwoofer/tweet. Will the load on the tube amp be the same? Or get a better response using the 2 way speaker, thinking that the amps current is divided up less. The Tubes being KT models.
Canm never undertsnad even thought tubes are second m,ost im portant arbiter of osund why folks choose speakers according to amps.If you have an ampo like a Cary 805 C thier quality and cost make it more reasonable but I am of a mind that one should chose speakers since they have greatest ipact on sound.
But to answer your question load should be same and don't think make of tube makes adifference.Also you are going fopr a pentode amp not SET so that's not problem where you need 84db or better.But twith 40-60 wats tw0 ways with EL34's for that dead on midrange warmth and eauphopnics is good.Yet you have to be carefull in matching.I sold B&W for 6 years and though best value in line was the 803 ZNatutilus.Anmd while they were rated for 90db sensivity and thus should have been able to get by with say a CJ MV55 or 60 they had a nasty impedance swing which would go so low they would run out of gas so sensitiviy is not always the best spec ( or is thier any) to know how much spower they will require with larger floor stander.,The Pentode 60 watts would work well the 805 two way beautifully and even the smaller floor stander 804 but you'd need 100 wats and right impedance to run it properly/Was good post whioch explained it much more indetail than I am now so if you just run through past couple of days of posts you'll find it.But listen to speaker you like ,get a dealer who knows thier product and then tell tham what you'd like to run it with.Given investment you can ask to bring amp in to hook up but that mayber more than you want to do.Yet I though I would think you'd be ebter off with another 3db over 86db (89db efectively doubles your power) you might be able to swing it with this epaker depending on how much cyurrenbt you've got.
Chaz, interesting that you mention "you'd be better off with another 3db (89db effectively doubles your power)." Your last part of the sentence I fail to understand.
So just 3 db points make all that much difference. I think I'm getting this idea of db level, a hard concept for many audiophiles.

I see there is another topic about cone materials best for tubes, I'll post a note there as well.
So is you havea 3 way, MTM design, and a 2 way midwoofer/tweet design, botn using same drivers, at 87 db, will the results from a tube amp be the same in both. Which is low dynamics/little drive power.
I figured the 2 way would respond better. Nut I get the idea it is not so, the difference will be slightly better bass..
I'm running a pair of original JMlabs Micro-Utopias on 24 watts of EL-34 power and couldn't be happier. The sound is big and room filling, albeit a smallish room, and as detailed and transparent as anyone could want. They can usually be found used for $2500-3000 and they're a super value. Best speakers I've ever owned, and before I got them I thought I'd always go with floorstanders for the bass. Boy was I wrong!!
chazzbo often has pretty good points, but man he is the typo! :)
"chazzbo often has pretty good points...." Yes his typos are bad, but as you say has more to say that many others with better spelling.
Still waiting on more high sensitivity suggestions.
I thought Scan speaks were, but they rate at 87 like their cousins the seas'.
Another interesting speaker may be Cabasse's top line, with the white foam cone drivers. Anyone know the specs/sound response?
A little known line in the USA, made in france.
I found the Cabasse Jersey better than the spendor 8 the other day. Spendor8/$3100, Jersey/$1100.