The Search

I realize many of you are still searching trying to find the best speaker for your music, one that fits your ideals and budget.
I've ended my search with Seas'.
Anyone else here feel they do not need to hear from the newest, latest designs?
Seems every so often a new speaker comes on the market and everyone wants to own a pr. due to the rave factor.
Do you feel like you are on a merry-go-round?
Burt...I mean Bart....that's like Simpson right?

I just have one question...why was it necessary to change your agon SN?

well...2 questions.

After people make you look like a fool over and over...are you gonna change it again?
Tarsndo, Zaikesman, and I guess Ellery911 as well, Give Bartockfan a break! Everybody gets lonely from time to time and the 'net makes you feel like you are communicating with someone. Even negative feedback is better than none at all, it proves someone is listening or at least reading your posts. I just hate it when folks ignore my musings.

Think how tough it would be if everyone ignored him. He'd probably stop posting and go over to AA or somewhere, or really do something drastic. Oh, you say he's been to AA before and no longer posts there. Come to think of it I do recall an unregistered poster in the Speaker forum making a fool of himself. Name was Paul and he was from LA somewhere. Could that have been our Bartockfan...nah, that guy was over-the-top rude and deceptive, not just inexperienced and uninformed. Really made an ass of himself. He was wasn't even registered and he psyudo'd up another poster's moniker and posted on his 'behalf' stuff which the other guy would never have said. But that wouldn't have been our Bartockfan, I'm sure....

Just think on it Ellery, if he is immune to insults and keeps reading responses, he might learn something and become a valuable contributor. Just might.....
What's that you say about Porky becoming an aviator?

Lay off Bartok. I'm still trying to figure out the national debt, deficit, or whatever problems we have with free trade and no trade as they pertain to the KT-88 versus KT-90 tube using Seas drivers with a Jadis or Cayin amplifier because China is the wave of the future.

Somebody 'splain it to me.
How is Bartokfan's love letter to Seas any different than say Warrenh's posts about his current speaker or Mikelavigne's odyssey with his VSAs? If you can't be gushingly enthusiastic about something as inconsequential as loudspeaker choice, then what can you go over the top about. If it's a question of relative knowledge, then we're all somewhere on a learning curve and we shouldn't forget where we've come from.

Bartokfan, you would gain added credibility if you would post your system. Do you have one of the Seas kits, or one of Tyler's Seas based speakers?