Crossover component upgrade, DUELUND????

I am in the process of researching the components in my Dunlavy IVa speakers and have narrowed my choices down to two companies. I am looking at Mundorf M-CAP SUPREME and M-CAP DILVER FOIL IN OIL caps. I am also looking at Mundorf for the MOX resistors.

The second company I am looking at is Duelund Coherent Audio. They make a GRAPHITE RESISTOR specifically designed for crossovers. They are able to build the resistor specifically to replace my speakers parallel resistor values with one component rather than the 2-4 pieces presently used. This will (somewhat)help offset the very high price point for these resistors. These are sold through Part ConnecXion and factory direct. I have been speaking to the factory and we are also discussing their very different design for capacitors. I am presently waiting to hear back on the cost for the values I require.

While I wait, I was hoping that someone might have some experience with these products. I am very impressed with the design concept behind both the graphite resistors and the flat foil capacitors.

I see I never did finish this discussion. I instead wrote a full review on my crossover modifications. Please check it out at

Pedrillo, keep us informed!
I also just ordered a pair of the polyester-in-oil version to experiment in my tube preamp output couplers. Here's a link of some reviews on the Tubestore site where I purchased my caps:

I was wondering if anyone ever upgraded the inductor in their speaker?? I am considering the duelunds since they have done extensive research in their products. Any thoughts? the speaker merlin vsm, I am doubtful that what's in there is of poor quality so it's a gamble.
Read through the posts on member Dgarretson's system. He has extensively modified his Merlin speakers.