Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?


I own a pair of the original VR-4’s that I bought from Ambrosia A/V many moons ago. I had them mated with a Sumo Andromeda III for a long time, and they sounded sluggish, and lacked mid-bass impact and dynamics. I lived with them this way for 10 years. I recently bought a new amplifier (Parasound) which really livened up the VR-4’s, but they’re still not a speaker with the dynamics that I crave. I just contacted VR to see if they still offer the VR-4 to VR-5 upgrade, and unfortunately it is no longer available.

At the time I bought the VR-4’s, I auditioned the Dunlavy SC-IV’s, but I simply could not afford them at the time. I even visited the Dunlavy facility in Colorado Springs, and was mightily impressed with the effort that went into these speakers. I now have the opportunity to purchase a pair of the SC-IV’s at a reasonable price, so I’m thinking of “upgrading”.

I haven’t listened to the SC-IV’s in over 12 years, and never was able to compare them side-by-side, so I was wondering if any that has done so could give me a brief overview of the differences. While I like my VR-4’s, I would really like some marked improvement in the areas of dynamics and mid-bass “punch.” The VR-4’s sound too “studio,” and less “life-like” due to their lack of dynamic contrast, and I’m wondering if the SC-IV’s will fill that void.

Thanks everyone....

I listened to the Aerial 10T's, and they were on my original short list when I bought the VR-4's. I liked them nearly as much, if not the same as the Dunlavy's, but they too were out of my price range at the time. I've got a big room (20x30), so I'm afraid the 10T's may not cut it.

There are so many incredible speakers out there that I can't afford, and it kills me. I used to own a pair of Altec Model 19's, and they would startle you in the dynamics department. What I really want is a pair of PMC monitors, but again, way out of my price range.

The 10T's typically go for $3K used (at least the one's I've seen), and I can get the SC-IV's for under $2K.

Decisions, decisions.....These VR-4's have really grown on me, especially with the new amp, and even my wife is questioning why I'm considering a change. Funny thing is, she was a real trooper, and went to nearly every audio store in LA to audition speakers with me, and it was the SC-IV's that she liked the most.
If you're talking about going to a pair of the original SC-IV's, my opinion is that you're not upgrading to anything life-like.

I owned a pair of the original Dunlavy SC-IV's (bought them when they first came out) for eight years. For the first three years they were on my stereo, for the last five they were on my HT.

I replaced them in the stereo system with a pair of B&W Silver Signature's. They didn't have the bass of course, but they were much more realistic and natural.

The SC-IV's will easily slap your chest with the bass, but the midrange is not as natural as many other speakers.
I agree with Krell man on the transparency issue. They did make several up grades to help the situation. These are big speakers that sound their best in a fairly big room and placed on the short wall. If you don't have the room Tvad had a good idea to upgrade to the vr4 genIIIhse. A good idea
Having owned the Dunlavy SCIVs for a few years and also now owning VS VR4SRs (4JRs before that) if it were me, I would upgrade to the 4Jrs. They are better in every respect than the Dunlavys in my opinion. The bass is rather disapointing for such huge boxes and they just aren't nearly as dynamic as the JRs either, plus if it matters they are a huge eyesore as well (sorry if you actually like the way they look) The JRs are just plain awesome speakers, I sold a pair of 20K speakers in favor of them. I did upgrade to the SRs, which are better, but for your dollar I think it's pretty hard to beat the JRs.
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