Need help with sub selection

Downsizing to monitors (monitor audio silver 3's) for a while,
with a buget of $500 (used) any recommendations on a small sub
no larger than 10" driver.

Thanks in advance
I use the Q108E REL with Von Schweikert VR-1s in a small room. Nice and small, bass to 30 Hz. To get lower you will need a larger sub. I also have a beautiful Hsu VTF-3R that goes to 18 Hz (-2 dB), flat to 20 Hz., but it is bigger. Great price and great service.
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Bob, you are using the amp in the sub. Because of the very different impedance the main amp will not send any power to the sub, only a signal.
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Bob, I think that disturbing the signal to the mains with a high pass filter or external crossovers usually introduces undesireable grain in the mains-- short of rather high $ implementations. There is no problem with bass augmentation mode with LFP in the sub as used by REL or Vel DD-- provided the system is set up carefully.