Absolutely...front end first. There's nothing wrong with running a hard-drive based system though, so your Powerbook is a good start if you already have your library on iTunes (forget about the iPod as you'll be limited to the internal DAC there and it can be easily improved upon). Best to rip to your hard drive in Apple Lossless or WAV files, though, if you want to get the best reproduction. So then your next step would be a good USB DAC to feed from your laptop (in place of the CD player option), unless you absolutely have to play those silver platters. I'd then move on to your amp and finally speakers (or both at the same time if you can swing it), paying careful attention to pairing off these two components. Do you live in a small space? The speakers you mention are quite small aren't they? Not that small is bad, but there are better choices. If you are sticking to small, monitor speakers I'd point you towards offerings by Silverline and used options by Soliloquy (no longer made). What kind of music do you like to listen to? That may be an important question in choosing amp and speakers. Don't skimp on the interconnects and speaker cables either. You don't have to spend a fortune there, as many would have you believe...IMO of course.
Have fun!
Have fun!