What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?

Hi, Gang,
I response to my recent review of the Reference 3A De Capo BE speaker, someone wrote that if you really want to hear them sing, you should try them with a SET amp, or words to that effect.
That got me thinking. The De Capo's are 92 db efficient, which (correct me if I'm wrong) seems kind of borderline for low-power SET amps.
In any event, right now I'm running mine with a pair of Manley Mahi mono-blocks. They are switchable from triode (20 watts) to "ultra linear" (40 watts). I run them in triode all the time, and in my room, the volume knob almost never goes past 9 o'clock; more would just be too loud.
All that said, what do you guys think of running the De Capo's with a SET amp? And if I did, what's the best bargain in SET's these days?
That observation correlates with my listening experience.With the sensitivity of my speakers (94 db and 14 ohm load)sitting 10 feet from the speakers. My average SPL listening is 75-80 db C weighted with a range with most jazz CD recordings from soft (low 50s db) to (88-90 db peaks). Most of the time amp is using "fractions" of 1 watt up to 1-2 watts of power. So distortion is very low. This explains the high resolution,transparency and very subtle nuance retrival. These levels are very easy on the ears and yet enjoyable and involving. Loudest I've gone was 102-104 db with cranked up jazz drumming and rock(the Doors and also N. Young).It was good at those high levels(done rarely).
What you report is very good news for many people. High quality sound for very reasonable cost. Seems that's quite a 300b SET for 1550.00
Hi Rebbi,
The more I reflect on your situation and choices, the more attractive the Commomsense Audio SET amp becomes.Mdemaio said it was very close to the Audion SET in sound quality. That's high praise given the Audion's stature and reputation. To get this for 1550.00 is remarkable IMO. This price gives you room for possible upgraded parts, I'd ask David if for a bit more money could the caps,wire,resistors be improved.These parts are crucial to getting top level sound. I wouldn't cut corners here to save a few dollars. He might say the chosen parts are already top quality(for all I know).

For instance using some Jupiter copper foil coupling capacitors would be excellent(they aren't crazy expensive either). Have him use the best wire you can afford, If you get this right the first time you'll have a SET that can keep you happy for many years. Of course I have no idea if he's open to this approach or not. SET circuits are so bare bones pure and simple that you'll hear what each part has to offer.
I do agree that, relative to a pushpull amp, SET amps tend to have less bass extension and "softer" bass (less impact or punch). But, I really like the "tuneful" nature of SET bass. I hear more subtle variations and tonal qualities to drums and lower bass instruments with SET amps than with most pushpull amps. In that sense, pushpull amps tend to sound a bit "mechanical" and that punch has a "sameness" no matter the music; one does not get that sense with SET amps. From my experience, there is no perfect choice and tradeoffs are involved. I like the tuneful bass of SETs, but, I also like the extra kick I get from my pushpull amps. These days I listen mostly to my pushpull 349 amp.

Rebbi, I hate to complicate your search even more, but, you really MUST listen to a good OTL amp. Given a high enough impedance speaker, OTLs can be VERY good. Something like the 30 watt Atmasphere would appear to be a good match.
My Zu Def 4s have a built-in powered subwoofer so that any limits to bass extension inherent in an SET approach are eliminated. As I have noted previously, I evolved from a 45 to a 2a3 to a 300b SET. The 45 and 2a3 just sounded thin - perhaps, in part, because of very long speaker wire runs from one side of my living room down and through the basement to the other side. I also tried an EAR 859 that seemed too objective and did not allow the richness and tone of the Def 4s to shine. Ultimately, I settled on a 300b. (I also tried higher powered digital amps to see if I was missing any "oomph" and was pleasantly surprised by what a 300b SET could do.) As everyone has noted, the match between speaker with SET seems to be a bit more finicky than the match with other topologies. The issue becomes the management of the cost of experimentation. In my case I used Audiogon to purchase the first three or four amps that I tried before commissioning a new Ancient Audio custom-made 300b SET. I was able to buy and sell the progression of pre-owned amps without losing money - including shipping. It just took patience. Audiogon has become a tremendous resource in that regard.